Uniform Building By Laws 1984

Amendments to act 133 must be passed by.
Uniform building by laws 1984. Plans to be signed 7. The uniform building by laws 1984 ubbl was established out the need for a standardised set of building regulations for the country. Even though act 133 is a federal law and gazetted by the federal government ubbl 1984 is gazetted by each state government. Street drain and building act 1974 act 133 5.
Uniform building by laws 1984 arrangement of by laws part i preliminary by law 1. 29 by laws and legislation. Withdrawal or change of qualified person 8. Return of plan 5.
These by laws may be cited as the uniform building by laws c. Part i preliminary 1 these by laws may be cited as the uniform building by laws 1984 2. Interpretation part ii submission of plans for approval. 6x section 1 2 street drainage and building act 1974 unirorm bur pinc by laws 1984 in exercise of the powers conferred by section 133 of the street drainage and building act 1974 the minister state authority makes the following by laws.
Drainage and building act 1974 the minister state authority makes the following by laws. Part i preliminary 1. Uniform building by laws 1984. Marpabesch malaysia uniform building by laws 1984 accessibility an i book interactive and illustrative app of the malaysia uniform building by laws.
Section 1 2 street drainage and building act 1974 unifor m building by laws 1984 in exercise of the powers conferred by section 133 of the street a w. However despite the federal government gazetting the ubbl in 1985 the reality is that until today the use and interpretation of the ubbl are anything but uniformed. Uniform building by laws 1984 uniform building by laws 1984 arrangement of by laws part i preliminary by law 1. Building and common property act management and maintenance 2007 act 663 6.
Interpretation part ii submission of plans for approval 3. Malaysia s building code the uniform building by laws 1984 ubbl 1984 is a subsidiary law under the street drainage and building act 1974 act 133. Malaysia uniform building by laws 1984 date added. The building by laws which was the pre cursor to the uniform building by laws 1984 was based on the existing kuala lumpur and singapore legislations and recommendations from the building research station uk.
Submission of plans for approval 4. The by laws were compiled under the provisions under section 113 by laws in the street drainage building act 1974. Johor bahru city council enactment 1993 7. Uniform building by laws 1984 8.